Roanoke River Broadneck Unit
The recently completed Broadneck Unit project restored hydrology to 1,050 acres of the Roanoke River NWR in Bertie County, NC. This project was part of the Roanoke River Migratory Bird Initiative II NAWCA grant that was approved in early 2006. The project was completed in November 2008 and involved construction of plugs in three large man-made canals intersecting the natural river levee to restore flows to natural channels in a large Roanoke River back swamp.
The results of these conservation efforts will be improved water quality, restored natural hydrology and enhanced overall conditions for the fish, wildlife and people who depend on the region's natural resources. This region is important to wintering waterfowl on the Atlantic coast, including American black ducks, mallards, northern pintails, Canada geese and scaup. Other bird species benefiting include little blue heron, northern parula, Swainson's warbler and cerulean warbler.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provided support and was an important partner on this project.
Craig LeSchack
Director of Conservation Programs
South Atlantic Field Office
3896 Leeds Ave.
Charleston, SC 29405
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