Roanoke Island Marshes - Midgett Impoundment
Purpose: The purpose of this project was to restore management capability to a brackish marsh impoundment and associated upland live oak hammock. To accomplish this task partners installed a water control structure, a pump to control flooding of the impoundment, and reconstructed the levees. This restoration project is located within a recently acquired 1,792 acre tract of salt and brackish marshes known as the Roanoke Island Marshes that is owned and managed by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. Partners also developed an educational kiosk, boardwalk, and loop trail associated with this project to provide educational opportunities for visitors. Coastal North Carolina has experienced rapid wetland loss with the increase in development over the last two decades and this project restored critical habitat for wintering waterfowl and shorebirds.
Location: Dare County, North Carolina, one half mile from Manteo
Acres Impacted: 32 acres of brackish impounded marsh, 5 acres of associated upland live oak hammock
Habitat Type: Coastal brackish impounded marsh with submersed aquatic vegetation
Partners: North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, The Park Foundation, North American Wetlands Conservation Council, North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, and Ducks Unlimited
Timeline: Project was completed in September 2005
DU Contact: Craig LeSchack
Director of Conservation Programs
3294 Ashley Phosphate Rd, Suite 1-F
North Charleston, SC 29418
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