Ducks Unlimited recently acquired two important Rainwater Basin properties, using North American Wildlife Conservation Act grant funds. The 20-acre Friesen tract, adjoining Troester Waterfowl Production Area (WPA) in Fillmore County, and the 160-acre Volzke tract, adjoining Freeman Lakes WPA in York County, will "roundout" the WPAs for better habitat management.

Rainwater Basin roundouts are a high priority for DU and its partners in Nebraska as they are privately-owned tracts that share a basin wetland footprint with a publicly managed tract, such as a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)-owned WPA. These privately owned tracts often prevent public land managers from conducting management and restorations that would allow for greater waterfowl habitat improvements.
Ducks Unlimited will restore both properties and transfer them to the FWS to be managed as part of the WPA. Waterfowl Production Areas and Ducks Unlimited revolving properties are open to the public for recreation and hunting.