Ducks Unlimited and several partners enhanced and restored 653 acres of emergent marsh at Pymatuning Wildlife Management Area. More than 28 acres of wetland habitat were restored and enhanced through earthwork and the installation of 11 water-control structures. In addition, more than 624 acres of wetland habitat were enhanced by rehabilitating a nonfunctional water-control structure to permit management of water levels.

The critical habitats of Pymatuning WMA support breeding and migrating waterfowl, including Southern James Bay Population Canada geese, ring-necked ducks and wood ducks. A wide variety of wildlife, notably bald eagles, also inhabit the area. Visitors can watch wildlife by walking along designated hiking paths, and there's even a trail for physically challenged outdoor enthusiasts. Visitors can also take a driving tour or just sit on wildlife-viewing benches. Waterfowl hunting is also a popular recreational activity at Pymatuning.

This project was funded in part by a North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) grant.

Partners: Pennsylvania Game Commission, Fort Pitt Retriever Club, Moody and Associates, Northwest Pennsylvania Duck Hunters' Association, GenOn Energy, Rendulic Brothers Farms, Richard King Mellon Foundation, Pennsylvania Waterfowl Heritage Society, Waterfowl USA, Wildlife for Everyone Endowment Foundation, Pennsylvania State Wildlife Grants programs and Ducks Unlimited