Penholoway Swamp Wildlife Management Area
Habitat Acquisition
Habitat Acquisition
Purpose: To purchase and permanently protect high-quality bottomland hardwood forests and associated uplands. This area supports several species of waterfowl, including mottled ducks, American black ducks, mallards and wood ducks, in addition to wading birds, shorebirds and neotropical migratory birds. Protection of Penholoway Swamp is part of a larger cooperative effort to conserve wetlands throughout the Altamaha watershed and maintain the water quality of the Altamaha River. The Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) manages the property as the Penholoway Swamp Wildlife Management Area, which is open for public recreation.
Location: Wayne County, Georgia
Acres Impacted: 4,583 acres
Habitat Type: Tidal swamp forests, bottomland hardwoods forests and planted loblolly pine.
Partners: Financial resouces for acquisition were provided by Ducks Unlimited, the National Wild Turkey Federation, The Nature Conservancy, the Georgia DNR, a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service State Wildlife grant, a North American Wetlands Conservation Act grant and contributions from Georgia's Nongame Wildlife Conservation and Wildlife Habitat Acquisition funds.
Timeline: Property acquired December 2005
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