Maynard-Reese Waterfowl Production Area restored
DU restored a series of historic prairie potholes on a 240-acre tract in Kossuth County.
The Ducks Unlimited project on Maynard-Reese included breaking drainage tile and constructing berms to restore six wetlands. The goal is to increase habitat for breeding pairs, increase the number of nesting waterfowl and restore semi-permanent habitat for broods.
The Maynard-Reese project is helping create a pothole complex around Union Slough National Wildlife Refuge to increase the population of breeding waterfowl. The upland area also offers strong pheasant hunting opportunities.
Funding came from a NAWCA grant, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Pheasants Forever.
"These are all about producing waterfowl," said Iowa DU Biologist Mike Shannon. "Grasslands dotted with small wetland basins are very attractive to nesting pairs."
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