Mattamuskeet NWR - Wetlands Enhancement Projects
Purpose: Ducks Unlimited's involvement as a conservation partner with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at Mattamuskeet NWR dates back to the early 1990s. Projects at Mattamuskeet NWR have included funding for chemical herbicides to spray infestations of phragmites throughout wetland cells (Phases I, III, V) and funding for the purchase of pumps and pump stations to facilitate water level management in wetland units (Phases II IV). Mattamuskeet NWR is one of the most important refuges for migrating and wintering waterfowl in the Atlantic Flyway for both puddle ducks and diving ducks. The area is managed by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. More recentlty, water control structures were installed to help managers control water levels.
Location: Mattamuskeet NWR is located in Hyde County near Fairfield and New Holland, NC.
Acres Impacted: Phase I - 400 acres, Phase II - 450 acres,
Phase III - 300 acres, Phase IV - 450 acres,
Phase V - 300 acres
Habitat Types: Moist-soil Wetland Cells
Semi-permanent waterbodies
Flooded Agricultural Lands
Partners: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Timeline: Phase I was completed in May 1995
Phase II was completed in January 1994
Phase III was completed in January 1997
Phase IV was completed in July 1997
Phase V was completed in November 1997
Water Control Structure additions completed in Novermber 2007
DU Contact:
Craig LeSchack
Director of Conservation Programs
South Atlantic Field Office
3896 Leeds Ave.
Charleston, SC 29405
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