Manchester State Forest - Beidler GTR Restoration
Purpose: To improve management capabilities on 270 acres of green-tree reservoir habitat on Manchester State Forest through replacement of six existing water control structures that are non-functional. These structures can be manipulated to completely draw down the area during the growing season and reflood in late fall, thus providing foraging habitat to dabbling ducks. Wood ducks and mallards are expected to use this area in large numbers. The project is managed by the South Carolina Forestry Commission to provide quality habitat for wintering ducks.
Location: The project is located on Manchester State Forest in Sumter County approximately 6.5 miles south of Wedgefield, SC.
Acres Impacted: 270 acres
Habitat Types: Bottomland hardwoods
Partners: South Carolina Forestry Commission
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Timeline: Construction was completed in spring 2002
DU Contact:
Craig LeSchack
Director of Conservation Programs
South Atlantic Field Office
3896 Leeds Ave.
Charleston, SC 29405
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