Mad Island WMA - Crab Lake Rock Weirs
Purpose: To construct two rock weirs in tidal canals on Mad Island WMA, thus enhancing 382 acres of brackish marsh and submerged aquatics. By backfilling the tidal canals with rock, the amount of tidal energy and saltwater intrusion into managed areas will be reduced. Reduction of tidal energy will aid in restoration of the original brackish/intermediate marsh plant communities that once existed in the area. Enhancement efforts should increase the amount of submerged aquatics and promote the expansion of wigeon grass, a highly sought after food for waterfowl. This project is managed by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to maintain high quality wetland habitat for wintering waterfowl, while providing additional duck hunting opportunities.
Location: Approx. 25 miles southwest of Bay City, TX (Matagorda County)
Acres Impacted: 382 acres
Habitat Type: Brackish/Intermediate Marsh
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
Partners: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Ducks Unlimited, Inc
Timeline: Construction was completed in fall 2003
DU Contact:
Keith McKnight
Regional Biologist
1620 FM 2218
Richmond, TX 77469
(832) 595-0663
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