Mackay Island NWR - Restoration and Enhancement
Purpose: Ducks Unlimited has performed several MARSH projects on Mackay Island NWR over the last 10 years. This multi-faceted project includes the following phases: (1) to construct levees, install water control structures, and purchase a pumping station to enhance 400 acres of brackish marsh; (2) to install new riser structures for improved water level management in managed wetlands; (3) to help fund construction of a new bulkhead to protect pumping stations; (4) to improve available habitat by spraying herbicide on stands of phragmites in managed wetlands; and (5) to recognize the founder of Ducks Unlimited Joseph P. Knapp with a monument at Live Oak Point.
Location: Mackay Island NWR is located in Currituck County near Knotts Island, NC. The refuge is flanked on the west by North Landing River and lies at the north end of Currituck Sound.
Acres Impacted: Phase I - 400 acres, Phase II - 510 acres,
Phase III - 900 acres, Phase IV - 50 acres,
Phase V - no acres (monument)
Habitat Types: Low salinity, Intermediate Moist-soil Emergent Marshes
Brackish Marsh Impoundments supporting stands of submerged aquatics (widgeon grass and sago pondweed)
Partners: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Timeline: Phase I was completed in January 1997
Phase II was completed in August 2002
Phase III was completed in January 1997
Phase IV was completed in November 1999
Phase V was completed in June 2003
DU Contact:
Craig LeSchack
Director of Conservation Programs
South Atlantic Field Office
3896 Leeds Ave.
Charleston, SC 29405
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