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Agenda (July 27, 2005 3:00-5:00Pm Glenn Phsasant Hall, 1522 Hwy 45 Glenn, CA)

PowerPoint Presentation 1 2 (Warning: Large file & long download time)

Summary Report




January 1989
Upper Sacramento River Fisheries and Riparian Habitat Management Plan
(Note. Web page link not working anymore)

November 1993
Restoring Central Valley Streams: A Plan for Action - California Dept. of Fish & Game ( Note. Original PDF file link not working anymore)

April 14, 1995
Technical Memorandum from CH2MHILL to M&T Chico Ranch
re: M&T Chico Ranch Pump State Relocation Feasibility Study

June 1995
Butte Creek Water Supply and Fish Passage Study, Bureau of Reclamation

December 6, 1995
Draft Anadromous Fish Restoration Plan, A Plan to Increase Natural Production of Anadromous Fish in the Central Valley of California, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
(Note. Web page link not working anymore)

April 1996
Finding of No Significant Impact / Mitigated Negative Declaration and Draft Environmental Assessment/Initial Study for the M&T / Parrott Pumping Plant and Fish Screen Project

May 21, 1996
Agreement for Relocation of M&T / Parrott Pumping Plan Providing for Bypass of Flows in Butte Creek, executed May 21, 1996

September 2001
Initial Study and Proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration - M&T Ranch/Llano Seco Ranch/City of Chico Sacramento River Water Intake Stream Channel Maintenance

June 21, 2001
Technical Memorandum from Stillwater Sciences to M&T Chico Ranch, Sacramento River Conservation Area Forum and California Department of Water Resources, re: Final Draft of M&T Ranch and Llano Seco Wildlife Refuge Pump Intake





March 17 - 19, 2004
Workshop #2 - Technical Review and Recommendation Workshop

A. Workshop #2 Agenda

B. Workshop #2 Minutes

C. Steering Committee Charge

D. Technical Memorandum #2 - MWH Americas
1) Groundwater Model for Test Well
2) Potential Water Supply Alternative - Scenarios 1-4
3) Preliminary Cost Estimates, legal and economic discussion for Potential Water Supply Alternative - Scenarios 1-3
4) M&T/Llano Seco Water Supply and Demand - City of Chico Wastewater TreatmentPlant Impacts
5) Optional Fish Screen Criteria

E. Investigative Studies Channel and Sediment Transport Dynamics near River Mile 193, Sacramento River

F. Workshop #2 Summary (Page 8 in Public Meeting Summary Report)

G. Information
1) National Marine Fisheries Service - Southwest Region Fish Screening Criteria for Anadromous Salmonids - January 1997
2) State of California - Resources Agency, Department of Fish and Game Fish Screening Criteria - June 19, 2000



February 16 - 18, 2005
Workshop #3 - Project alternatives and Feasibility Workshop

A. Workshop #3 Agenda

B. Workshop #3 Minutes

C. Technical Memorandum #3 Cover Sheet
1) Test Well and Aquifer Report
2) Ranney Well Collector Power Cost

D. Investigative Studies
1) Two-dimensional Modeling to Evaluate Potential River Training Works at M&T Pumping Plant, Sacramento River, RM 192.5
2) Future Meander Bend Migration and Floodplain Development Patterns Near River Miles 200 to 191 of the Sacramento River
3) Memorandum from Yantao Cui, February 3, 2005, RE: Spur Dikes on the Sacramento River near M&T Pumping Plant
4) Memorandum from Yantao Cui, March 4, 2005, RE: Dredging near M&T Intake on the Sacramento River
5) Chico Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) 12 mgd Expansion Project - Presentation of Outfall Investigation to M&T Steering Committee - Carollo Engineers Power Point Presentation

E. Information
1) Ranney Well Construction,Operations and Maintenance - Presentation (Warning: Large file & long download time)
2) Geomorphic Investigation of Sacramento River Migration and Bar Sedimentation at the Proposed City of Chico Pollution Control Plant Outfall Diffuser
3) Sacramento River Conservation Area Forum Principals and Guidelines
4) Towards Greener Riprap: Environmental Considerations from Microscale to Macroscale
5) Fate of Lower Mississippi River Habitat Associated with River Training Dikes
6) Effectiveness of Spur Dike Notching
7) Environmental Guidelines for Dike Fields

F. Workshop #3 Summary (Page 16 in Public Meeting Summary Report)



April 24 - 25, 2006
Workshop #4 - Conceptual Model and Project Proposal

A. Workshop #4 Agenda

B. Workshop #4 Meeting Notes

C. Report 1 - Llano Seco Ranch Collector Well Information Portal

D. Report 2 - 2-D Modeling to Evaluate Potential River Training Works at M&T Pumping Plant Sacramento River, RM 197.5
1) Report
2) Appendix A
3) Appendix B

E. Report 3 - 7.1 Ranney Collectors
1) Sonoma
2) Surveys
3) Minutes
4) Yield Memo
5) Energy Memo
6) Maintenance Memo

F. Report 4 - Meander Migration Modeling Phase III v4

G. Report 5 - Channel Dredging Report Report Figures

H. Technical Memorandum #4 (Warning: maybe long download time)









October 26, 2011
Workshop #6

A. Workshop #6 Agenda

B. Workshop #6 Purpose of Meeting

C. Workshop #6 Meeting Notes

D. Steering Committee Contact Information

E. Power Point Presentations
  1. M&T/Llano Seco Fish Screen Short-term/Long-term Project - Post-Workshop 5 Update
  2. Rock Toe and Brush Revetment Update
  3. M&T/Llano Seco Fish Screen Short-term/Long-term Project Topographic & Bathymetric Surveys
  4. M&T Pump Station Intake Second Physical Model
  5. M&T Pump Project 2-Dimensional Modeling
  6. M&T Ranch Intake Improvements (No Mitigation Costs 2008 Dollars)
  7. Cost Slides Drawing Set
F. Phase III Two-Dimensional Modeling of M&T/Llano Seco Pumping Plant Reach, Sacramento River, RM 192.5, California (Hamilton City J-Levee Impacts/Two-dimensional Hydrodynamic Model Analysis), October 5, 2011

G. M&T Pump Station Intake Second Physical Model, Final Report, November 2011

H. Memorandum - Two-dimensional Sediment-transport Model of the M&T/Llano Seco Pumps Reach, June 7, 2012

I. SUMMARY REPORT - M&T/Llano Seco Fish Screen Facility, Short-Term/Long-Term Protection Project; Alternatives Evaluation, June 29, 2012 (including the following reports):
  • Analysis of ADCP Data Collected at the M&T/Llano Seco Pumps Real in June 2011 at 19,500 cfs
  • Three-dimensional Numerical Flow analysis of the M&T Pumps Chico, California, July 2012
1. Vegetation Mitigation Monitoring Reports
  1. M&T/Llano Seco Pumping Plant Riparian Vegetation Mitigation Monitoring Report, January 2010
  2. M&T/Llano Seco Pumping Plant Riparian Vegetation Mitigation Monitoring Report, November 2010
  3. M&T/Llano Seco Pumping Plant Riparian Vegetation Mitigation Monitoring Report, October 2011
  4. M&T/Llano Seco Pumping Plant Riparian Vegetation Mitigation Monitoring Report, December 2013
2. West Bank Revetment Inspection Reports
  1. Memorandum - M&T/Llano Seco Fish Screen Facility Short-Term Protection Project - Maintenance Inspection Report No. 1, November 29, 2010 (Rock-Toe/Brush Revetment)
  2. Memorandum - M&T/Llano Seco Fish Screen Facility Short-Term Protection Project - Maintenance Inspection Report No. 2, May 8 2012 (Rock-Toe/Brush Revetment)
  3. Memorandum - M&T/Llano Seco Fish Screen Facility Short-Term Protection Project - Maintenance Inspection Report No. 3, November 12, 2013
  4. Memorandum - M&T/Llano Seco Fish Screen Facility Short-Term Protection Project - Maintenance Inspection Report No. 4, November 20, 2014
3. Hydrographic and Topographic Surveys
  1. M&T/Llano Seco Fish Screen Facility Short-Term/Long-Term Protection Project - Survey Report 1, March 18, 2010 (Bathymetric Survey)
  2. Memorandum - June 7-9, 2011 resurvey of M&T/Llano Seco Pumping Plan and City of Chico Outfall Reach of the Sacramento River, July 11, 2011
  3. June 26, 2012 Resurvey of M&T/Llano Seco Pumping Plant and City of Chico Outfall Reach of the Sacramento River, July 16, 2012
  4. Memorandum - May 8, 2013 Resurvey of M&T/Llano Seco Pumping Plant and City of Chico Outfall Reach of the Sacramento River, June 11, 2013
  5. M&T Resurvey Technical Memorandum 7-26-2017
  1. Extension of Lake or Streambed Alternation Agreement - Notification No. 1600-2006-0430-R2 (Five-Year Extension for the Rock-Toe/Brush Revetment along the west bank of the Sacramento River at River Mile 193, May 25, 2012)
  2. Central Valley Flood Protection Board Maintenance Letter 9-15-2016


M&T Chico Ranch/Llano Seco Rancho Fish Screen Facility Short-Term Protection Project (SCH No. 2012092050)
  1. Draft Environmental Assessment/Initial Study, Proposed Finding of No Significant Impact, and proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration and Appendices
  2. Final Environmental Assessment / Initial Study (Modifications to the Public Draft and Response to Comments)


Cone Screen Analysis
  1. Concept Design for Cone Screens at M&T Ranch Diversion on the Sacramento River
  2. ISI Cone Screen Diagram
  3. Memorandum - Yantao Cui, PhD, Senior Hydraulic Engineer, August 18, 2013
  4. Tetra Tech Letter, Robert A. Mussetter, PhD PE and Michael D. Harvey, PhD PG, dated October 23, 2013

West Bank Analysis
  1. Memorandum, Tetra Tech, Final Evaluation of the Proposed M&T Pump Intake on the West Bank of the Sacramento River dated October 14, 2013
  2. Memorandum, Yantao Cui, PhD, Senior Hydraulic Engineer, M&T Pump Intake Relocation to the West Bank of the Sacramento River dated May 29, 2013
  3. Memorandum, MWH-Montgomery Watson Harza, Dennis Dorratcague and Neil Schield, M&T Intake, West Bank Intake, Engineering Analysis dated December 12, 2013
  4. Memorandum, Yantao Cui, PhD, Senior Hydraulic Engineer, Comments on MWH Memorandum Titled "M&T Intake, West Bank Intake, Engineering Analysis" dated 12 December 2013


Last updated: 09/10/2014