Klawock Estuary Project
Ducks Unlimited is working with partners to enhance several hundred acres of wetlands in the Klawock estuary near Klawock, Alaska. The project will include the installation of two large culverts in a causeway constructed in the 1960's. Installing the culverts will restore a connection between the Klawock River and the expansive Klawock estuary. Restoring hydrology to the estuary will enhance wetland habitat used by waterfowl, juvenile salmon and many other species fo fish and wildlife. The project is located on Prince of Wales Island in southeast Alaska. The Alaska Trollers Association has provided DU with a large grant to kickstart the project planning phase. Other partners who are assisting in this project include: City of Klawock, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Prince of Wales Hatchery Association, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Fisheries Division. The entire project will cost approximately $450,000.
Ducks Unlimited initiated the Klawock Estuary Enhancement Project near Klawock, Alaska. This project will enhance natural tidal flows in the Klawock estuary, benefiting waterfowl, salmon and other fish and wildlife species. The project is located on Prince of Wales Island in southeast Alaska. A causeway was constructed across the mouth of the estuary in the 1960s, which significantly affected natural tidal flows and fish movements in the estuary. Since construction of the causeway, local fishermen have noticed a very significant decline in sockeye and other salmon populations in the Klawock River. As part of the project, a large culvert or small bridge will be constructed in the causeway, restoring more natural tidal flows and allowing fish access into important rearing areas outside the causeway. The shallow tidal marsh being enhanced as part of this project also provides important habitat to migrating waterfowl.
The Alaska Trollers Association provided Ducks Unlimited with a large grant to begin work on the project. Other partners participating in this effort include: the City of Klawock, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Prince of Wales Hatchery Association and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - Fisheries Division.
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