Key Cave NWR - Moist-Soil Restoration
Purpose: To restore 10 acres of moist-soil habitat on Key Cave NWR through development of 2 small impoundments. Key Cave NWR was established in 1977 to provide habitat for the endangered gray bat and Alabama cavefish. The project site occurred on an abandoned agricultural field, but due to erosion problems, managers will convert eroded gullies to grassed waterways. Two of these waterways can be developed into shallow water units and managed for production of moist-soil plants. Wood ducks, mallards, gadwall, and American wigeon will be the primary waterfowl species that will benefit from the project. The NWR would be managed by the USFWS to maintain high quality moist-soil habitat for waterfowl and other water bird species.
Location: Approx. 10 miles southwest of Florence, AL (Lauderdale County)
Acres Impacted: 10 acres
Habitat Type: Moist-soil Wetlands
Partners: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Ducks Unlimited, Inc
Timeline: Construction was completed in fall 2000
DU Contact: Craig Hilburn
Manager of Conservation Programs
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