Keechi Creek WMA - Wetlands Restoration
Purpose: To enhance 50 acres of green-tree reservoir habitat on Keechi Creek WMA through construction of levees and installation of water control structures. The bottomland hardwood forests and associated wetlands provide life support requisites for a wide variety of resident and migratory wildlife in East Texas. Water-level manipulation through green-tree reservoirs will improve the availability of fallen mast (primarily acorns) to wintering mallards and wood ducks. Retention of water-levels on the forest impoundments through late winter to early spring will increase the availability and abundance of invertebrate food resources required by breeding female wood ducks. This project is managed by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to maintain high quality wetland habitat for wintering and breeding waterfowl, while providing additional duck hunting opportunities.
Location: Approx. 10 miles southwest of Oakwood, TX (Leon County)
Acres Impacted: 50 acres
Habitat Type: Forested Wetlands / Bottomland Hardwoods
Partners: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
Ducks Unlimited, Inc
Timeline: Construction was completed in fall 1989
DU Contact:
Keith McKnight
Regional Biologist
1620 FM 2218
Richmond, TX 77469
(832) 595-0663
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