Joe Kurz WMA - Beaver Pond Enhancement
Purpose: To restore 50 acres of waterfowl habitat on Joe Kurz WMA through installation of a water control structure. This project will enhance a beaver swamp, thus providing waterfowl management capabilities adjacent to the Flint River. Water levels within the swamp will be drained and re-flooded every other year to maximize growth of aquatic vegetation. Beaver ponds are transitional wetlands that provide a diversity of habitats. These ponds are very important inland freshwater habitats for migrating and wintering waterfowl, especially wood ducks and mallards. This project will be managed by the Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources to provide brood rearing habitat for resident wood ducks, as well as, increased foraging habitat for migrating and wintering dabbling ducks. Joe Kurz WMA offers public waterfowl hunting opportunities.
Location: Approx. 4 miles northeast of Gay, GA (Meriwether County)
Acres Impacted: 50 acres
Habitat Type: Emergent Wetlands
Scrub/shrub Habitat
Partners: Georgia Department of Natural Resources
Ducks Unlimited, Inc
Timeline: Construction was completed in 1997
DU Contact: Craig LeSchack
Director of Conservation Programs: Georgia
3896 Leeds Avenue
Charleston, SC 29405
(843) 745-9110
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