Important Restoration Work Completed at Sloughs
DU enhanced and restored some of the region’s most productive habitat for the benefit of waterfowl, migratory birds and people
DU enhanced and restored some of the region’s most productive habitat for the benefit of waterfowl, migratory birds and people
In 2015, Ducks Unlimited was awarded a North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) grant to improve a portion of Sloughs Wildlife Management Area in northwest Kentucky.
This work targeted the Crenshaw Unit of Sloughs and enhanced and restored some of the region's most productive habitat for waterfowl, other migratory birds and people.
This project was completed in the fall of 2016 and enhanced 22 acres of existing habitat and restored seasonal water flow on another 87 acres of open land.
Sloughs WMA is an important wetland and waterfowl complex of more than 11,000 acres of Ohio River floodplain. Sloughs and surrounding wetlands serve as a migration stopover for significant numbers of migrating birds and provide wintering habitat for about 32,000 ducks and 31,000 Canada, snow and white-fronted geese. The area provides ample recreational opportunities for the public including hunting, fishing, wildlife observation and photography.
Historically, this region of the Ohio River floodplain consisted primarily of bottomland hardwoods with wooded sloughs and areas of open water. Today, most of the remaining hardwoods exist only on state-owned or managed lands. Many of the private lands were converted to agriculture years ago and remain extensively farmed today.
As part of the project, Ducks Unlimited constructed levees, installed new water-control structures and a new well along with the water delivery pipe needed to provide dependable water. The completed project will increase Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources' ability to enhance migration and wintering waterfowl habitats.
The NAWCA grant provided $75,000 for project construction. Ducks Unlimited partnered with private donors and the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources to secure additional matching grant funds totaling $115,000 and bringing the total project budget to $190,000.
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