Idaho: Boundary Creek Wetland Restoration Project/Smith Creek
August 16, 2016 •
min read
The Boundary Creek Wetland Restoration Project was a collective effort to restore 620 acres of wetlands, riparian areas and upland habitat near Kootenai River. Most of the land had been used for agricultural purposes for many decades. However, in 2004, DU and its partners restored it to verdant wetland habitat that meets the needs of waterfowl and other wildlife. Several dikes were built, along with ditch plugs, swales and water-control structures. DU subsequently transferred the land to the Idaho Department of Fish Game, which manages the wetland in conjunction with the 1,400-acre Boundary Creek WMA immediately north of the Smith Creek tract. IDFG is managing the area to produce cattail/bulrush marshes for waterfowl brood production, as well as an abundance of food plants for migrating waterfowl.
During spring runoff, surface water accumulations support thousands of migrating waterfowl, primarily tundra swans, Canada geese, white-fronted geese, northern pintails and mallards. By late May, the floodplain wetlands are full and water levels remain high in the old Smith Creek channels, providing areas for wood duck and mallard broods. Nongame species frequently observed at the WMA include red-tailed hawks, northern harriers, rough-legged hawks, great horned owls and great blue herons.
Partners: Idaho Department of Fish Game, U.S. Fish Wildlife Service, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Intermountain West Joint Venture, Vital Ground Foundation, Bonneville Power Administration and Ducks Unlimited