August 16, 2016 •
min read
The Tule Smoke Hunt Club, known locally as the "Rat Club," is located along the Klamath River nine miles south of Klamath Falls,
Oregon. This private duck club manages a remnant of the vast marshes that once existed along the Klamath River and in Lower Klamath Lake. Today, this 1,700-acre tract is the only significant wetland that has not been isolated from the river by a levee. Unfortunately, the
habitat on Tule Smoke was seriously degraded by modifications to the area's natural hydrology. In most years, this wetland went dry in areas below the river's water level.
In an effort to restore the historical wetland functions of this important marsh, the club teamed up with Ducks Unlimited, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Klamath Drainage District, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In 2009, approximately 49,000 feet of small stream channels were excavated throughout the wetland to restore connectivity with the river and improve water circulation. Today, the entire property has been restored to permanently flooded wetlands, supporting abundant fish and wildlife populations. The restored wetlands are heavily used by molting
mallards, as well as breeding
canvasbacks and
Canada geese.