Hackberry Flat WMA
Purpose: To enhance 3,700 acres of wetlands on 25 units through construction of 35 miles of dikes, 4 miles of water distribution canals, and approximately 90 water control structures. In addition, a 17 mile pipeline and NRCS watershed structure was constructed to manage 2,400 acre/feet of water, which is delivered to Hackberry Flat by the Bureau of Reclamation annually.
In the early 1900s, local residents used hand shovels and mule teams to drain the area by constructing a massive ditch, approximately 4 miles long, 20 feet deep, and 40 feet wide. Although the local silt was fertile, farming the flood-prone landscape proved exceedingly difficult. Restoration efforts began in 1993 when the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation began purchasing land from willing sellers. Ducks Unlimited helped break ground in August 1995, and the project was dedicated in May 1999.
In addition to the wetland acres, Hackberry Flat contains 3,420 acres of uplands. The upland areas consist of agriculture fields, native grasses, improved grasses, and forbs (interspersed with mesquite, hackberry, Osage orange, black locust, and sand plum). The average annual precipitation for the area is 27 inches.
Location: 4 miles southeast of Frederick, OK (Tillman County).
Acres Impacted: 3,700 acres of wetland area
3,420 acres of uplands
Habitat Types: Emergent wetlands, moist-soil impoundments, deep water reservoirs, and scrub/shrub wetlands.
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
North American Wetlands Council
The Williams Companies, Inc.
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Wildlife Restoration
City of Fredrick
Bureau of Reclamation
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Phillips Petroleum Co., Inc.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
Tillman County Commissioners
First Southwest Bank
Pioneer Trucking Company
Wildlife Forever
Arrow Trucking Company
Oklahoma Station of Safari Club International
Oklahoma City Sportsman Club
U.S. Geological Survey
DU Contact:
Scott Manley
Director of Conservation Programs
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