Gull Rock Game Lands - Wetlands Restoration
Purpose: This multi-phase project consisted of restoring dikes and installation of water control structures (phase I), spraying herbicides on noxious stands of phragmites (Phase II), and purchase and installation of a fixed pumping station (Phase III) on Gull Rock Game Lands. When intensively managed with brackish waters from nearby Pamlico Sound, this area provides excellent habitat for American wigeon, gadwall, Northern pintail, black ducks and lesser scaup. The Gull Rock Game Lands area also provides important habitat for the black bear. This area is managed by the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission to provide quality waterfowl habitat and additional public hunting opportunities.
Location: The project is located near Pamlico Sound in Hyde County approximately 5 miles from the village of New Holland, NC.
Acres Impacted: Phase I - 200 acres, Phase II - 100 acres,
Phase III - 83 acres
Habitat Types: Brackish Emergent Marsh
Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
Partners: North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Timeline: Phase I was completed in fall 1993
Phase II was completed fall 1996
Phase III was completed spring 1998
DU Contact:
Craig LeSchack
Director of Conservation Programs
South Atlantic Field Office
3896 Leeds Ave.
Charleston, SC 29405
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