GPRO Engineering Completed Projects
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Below are several examples of conservation projects completed by the GPRO engineering team and hired contractors. These projects highlight the capabilities and diverse talents held by GPRO engineers. Visit the structure gallery to view some of the individual structures designed by the team. If you would like more information about engineering projects, mitigation opportunities and other services, contact the GPRO at 701-355-3500.
Hydrology Management Restoration Diamond Lake WMA, IA |
Wetland Creation/Upland Enhancement Kemp-Breeze SWA, CO |
Backwater Slough and Channel Restoration Hansen Phase I, NE |
Dickinson County, Iowa
Timeline: Completed Spring 2007
Contractor: Cohrs Construction, Inc. Spirit Lake, Iowa
Description: The purpose of this project was to construct a functional outlet on Diamond Lake that would facilitate water level management to promote growth of beneficial vegetation and control rough fish populations. Engineers designed and construction crews installed the system that included burying approximately 4,000 feet of 18-inch diameter PVC pipe below the lake bottom. A 500-foot section of the pipe that runs from the lake shoreline into the lake basin is perforated and enclosed in a rock filter. Construction occurred during winter because frozen conditions were necessary to support the contractor's equipment used to bury the pipe in the lake bottom.
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources owns Diamond Lake WMA and it is open for public use and hunting. The entire property is 822 acres with Diamond Lake covering 130 acres.
Installing 18-inch diameter PVC pipe |
Diamond Lake during summer drawdown 2007 |
Grand County, Colorado
Timeline: Completed September 28, 2008
Contractor: Sessions and Sons, Walden, Colorado
Description: The goal of this project was create a wetland area and install infrastructure that Colorado Division of Wildlife staff could use to manage water levels and promote healthy wetland habitat for waterfowl and other wildlife. Restoration occurred on the Kemp Flats Wetlands area of the Kemp-Breeze State Wildlife Area. Crews constructed two embankments and installed two Agri-drain inline water control structures. Construction crews also rehabilitated an existing ditch by installing two tee-box water control structures that will facilitate flooding and water level manipulation. All water control structures were reinforced with rip rap on the downstream side to prevent erosion.
The improvements helped create nearly 30 acres of wetland habitat and enhanced 20 acres of associated uplands. The wetland area that DU helped enhance will complement the existing riverine habitat and shallow water wetlands that already exist on Kemp-Breeze SWA.
Finished embankment |
Aerial view of Kemp Pond |
Lincoln County, Nebraska
Timeline: Completed Winter 2008
Contractor: Harders Dozer and Scraper Work, Cairo, Nebraska
Description: The Platte River is a unique riverine system with shallow water wetlands and side channels that have historically provided critical habitat for waterfowl and other wildlife. Over time, stretches of the Platte River have become degraded by invasive vegetation and channel sedimentation that prevents water flow to adjacent wetlands. The goal of the Hansen Phase I project was to restore backwater sloughs and channels on the South Platte River. Construction crews excavated old side channels and backwater sloughs and installed water control structures to manage water levels. Trees were removed where necessary to facilitate restoration work. This work will improve the habitat quality of this section of the Platte River and provide enhanced habitat for waterfowl and other wildlife.
Channel before excavation |
Channel after excavation |
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