Frog Bayou WMA - Acquisition and Restoration Project
Purpose: Acquisition of 790 acres of agricultural land adjacent to the Arkansas River. Ducks Unlimited will restore the property to bottomland hardwood forest and seasonally-flooded wetlands. DU will transfer the property to AGFC who will manage the new WMA for waterfowl and other wetland dependent wildlife. This project is important because it will provide vital resources to migrating and wintering waterfowl and further links together other wetland complexes in the Arkansas River Valley. Primary waterfowl species benefiting from this project include mallards, gadwall, green-winged teal, pintails, wood ducks, and American wigeon. AGFC will work diligently to provide quality wetland habitats and public hunting opportunities at the newly established Frog Bayou WMA.
Location: Approximately 15 miles east of Fort Smith, AR (Crawford County)
Acres Impacted: 790 acres
Habitat Type: Seasonally-Flooded Wetlands
Bottomland Hardwood Forest
Partners: Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
USDA - Natural Resources Conservation Service
XTO Energy
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Timeline: Acquisition was completed in 2004
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