Fishing Creek WMA - Waterfowl Impoundment
Purpose: To enhance 50 acres of waterfowl habitat on Fishing Creek WMA through construction of a dike with water control structures across Morris Creek, a tributary of Lake Thurmond. Water levels within the impoundment will be manipulated during spring and summer to encourage growth of moist-soil vegetation. Exposed mudflats will be planted with Japanese millet and flooded in early fall to provide waterfowl habitat. In addition, wood duck nest boxes were erected for use by resident breeding birds. Migratory waterfowl, wading birds, and furbearers will use the area throughout the year. This project will be managed by the Georgia Dept. of Natural Resources to provide brood rearing habitat for resident wood ducks, as well as, increased foraging habitat for migrating and wintering dabbling ducks. Fishing Creek WMA offers limited public waterfowl hunting opportunities.
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