Fants Grove WMA - Beaverdam Creek Project
Purpose: The purpose of this project was to create 66 acres of wintering waterfowl habitat on Fants Grove WMA by constructing a dike along Beaverdam Creek and installing a water control structure to facilitate water level management. Subsequent to the original construction, a wellhead was established to provide a dependable source of water during fall and winter months. The area is managed by South Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources and provides excellent habitat for wood ducks, mallards, and Canada geese.
Location: The project is located in Anderson County along Beaverdam Creek near Townville, SC.
Acres Impacted: 66 acres
Habitat Types: Flooded Agricultural Crops
Moist-soil Vegetation
Partners: SC Department of Natural Resources
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Timeline: The project was completed in spring 1991
DU Contact:
Craig LeSchack
Director of Conservation Programs
South Atlantic Field Office
3896 Leeds Ave.
Charleston, SC 29405
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