Enhancing Waterfowl Habitat On Huey WMA
Ducks Unlimited designed and is providing construction management services for wetland improvements at the William S. Huey Wildlife Management Area in Eddy County, New Mexico. The 3,428-acre WMA is managed by the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish (NMDGF) as a feeding and resting area for migratory waterfowl and Sandhill Cranes in the Pecos River flyway. Management on the WMA also benefits deer, turkey, quail and a host of non-game wildlife.
The project improvements include three water-control structures, rock riprap, bank improvements and Geo-Web and aggregate surfacing. The work also includes connecting an existing 1,800 gallon-per-minute well and more than 5,000 linear feet of irrigation pipeline. These improvements will enhance 140 acres on the WMA and allow the NMDGF to maintain and manage desired water levels to provide suitable habitat for Sandhill Cranes, geese, and ducks.
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