Eagle Lake Refuge - Mustin Bottoms
Purpose: This project involves restoration and enhancement of wetlands in the floodplain of the Mississippi River. Low levees and water control structures were installed to restore hydrology on the site. In addition, two wells were constructed to provide a reliable source of water that will permit flooding in a timely manner. TWRA will manage low sites for moist-soil plant production, while higher sites will be planted to milo, corn, or soybeans, a portion of which will be flooded for migrating waterfowl. The area is managed by the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency to provide quality wintering habitat for waterfowl.
Location: The project is located adjacent to the Mississippi River in Shelby County approximately 8 miles north of Memphis, TN.
Acres Impacted: 1,600 acres
Habitat Types: Seasonally Flooded Agricultural Fields
Moist-Soil Wetlands
Partners: Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Timeline: Construction was completed in February 1996
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