Delta National Forest - Rookery Lake Enhancement
Purpose: To enhance 85 acres of flooded cypress/buttonbush slough and inclusive moist-soil wetlands on Delta National Forest. The project required the installation of one cast-in-place concrete stoplog structure, refurbishment of water distribution ditches, and removal of woody vegetation from within the forested wetland. DU provided funding to offset one-third of all project costs associated with the water control structure, while the Forest Service covered all other expenses related to enhancement activities. This project will provide valuable foraging habitat to migrating waterfowl near the Yazoo River, an important wintering area in the south Mississippi Delta. Mallards, wood ducks, gadwall and green-winged teal will be the primary waterfowl species that benefit from this habitat project. The Forest Service will manage the area to maintain high quality moist-soil wetlands for waterfowl, while providing additional duck hunting opportunities for local waterfowlers.
Location: Approximately 10 miles south of Holly Bluff, MS (Sharkey County)
Acres Impacted: 85 acres
Habitat Type: Cypress and Buttonbush Slough
Seasonally Flooded Moist-Soil Wetlands
Partners: US Forest Service
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Timeline: Construction was completed in fall 2005
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