9 species cover crop mix intended for grazing livestock, feeding soil microbes, and regenerating soil carbon. Cover crops and livestock improve soil health and functionality by restoring organic matter, increasing aggregate development and stability, reducing soil compaction and increasing water infiltration. Ducks Unlimited can provide cost-share assistance to cooperating producers through this unique North Dakota Outdoor Heritage Fund sponsored program. CCLIP offers producers 60% cost-share on grazing infrastructure, cover crop seed and windbreak panels. There are no batching periods for CCLIP so please contact a Ducks Unlimited representative today.

Tire tanks provide fresh water for cattle while grazing full-season cover crops. Livestock spend more time foraging and gain more weight when drinking from a fresh water source.

Livestock grazing in cover crop fields allows the producer to reduce input costs: here manure is distributed by livestock and valuable nutrients are added to the soil by the grazing animals.

One soil health principle is maintaining soil armor. Covering the soil allows the producer to suppress weeds, preserve optimal soil temperature and manage moisture in the field.






View the CCLIP flyer for more information.

Northwest North Dakota: Dane Buysee, 701-425-4852, dbuysee@ducks.org
Northeast North Dakota: Robert Ford, 701-230-2141, rford@ducks.org
Southeast North Dakota: Tanner Gue, 701-595-6945, tgue@ducks.org
Statewide Agronomist: Emily Schwartz, 701-805-1987, eschwartz@ducks.org

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