Coldwater River NWR - Catfish Ponds Enhancement
PURPOSE: To enhance approximately 253 acres of moist-soil habitat on Coldwater River NWR through levee refurbishment and installation of water control structures. The project involves reworking the existing levees on 14 old catfish ponds and installing a new water control structure in each unit. DU completed the initial engineering survey / design of wetland units and provided management oversight for project construction. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service reimbursed DU for staff time, engineering services, and management costs associated with project construction. A management plan calls for intensive moist-soil management through flooding/dewatering using wells and water control structures to maximize waterfowl and shorebird use. Almost the entire refuge is flooded annually during the winter by over bank flooding from the Coldwater and Tallahatchie Rivers. This project provides valuable foraging habitat to migrating and wintering waterfowl along the Tallahatchie River, primarily benefiting mallards, gadwall, green-winged teal, shovelers, and American widgeon. The USFWS will manage the area to maintain high quality moist-soil wetlands for waterfowl and shorebirds.
LOCATION: Approximately 4 &rac12; miles south of Crowder, MS (Quitman County)
ACRES IMPACTED: 253 acres (14 Units)
HABITAT TYPE: Moist-soil Wetlands, Semi-permanent Wetlands
PARTNERS: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
TIMELINE: Construction was completed in fall 2004
Repairs to the south levee completed 2007.
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