Coastal Wetland Restoration Project - Delmarva Pen
Ducks Unlimited in Partnership with Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Maryland Department of the Environment, and the United State Fish and Wildlife Service was recently awarded $100,000 to restore 400 acres of coastal salt marsh habitat in Dorchester County Maryland. There are numerous challenges currently facing coastal wetlands habitats in the Bay. Through both natural factors like mean-sea level rise as well as the expansive practice of grid ditching for mosquito control, Maryland's coastal salt marshes are in grave need of restoration and protection. As identified in Picture 1 , a ditch plug will be constructed in the man made ditch to restore the natural hydrology to the marsh. This ditch was installed by private landowners to increase access to the marsh over 40 years ago and actively drains the marsh on low tides. Draining salt marshes negatively impacts both the natural vegetation of the salt marsh and significantly degrades the natural pools and ponds on the marsh which waterfowl and wildlife depend on for habitat. This project will provide the groundwork for additional restoration projects and secure the strong partnerships DU has developed in the Chesapeake Bay.
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