Chincoteague Flats Restoration
Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) encompasses approximately 14,000 acres on the Delmarva Peninsula in Accomack County, Virginia and Worcester County, Maryland. Chincoteague NWR is strategically located in the Atlantic Flyway and provides critical migratory and overwintering habitat for thousands of waterfowl, shorebirds and other wildlife including the endangered Delmarva fox squirrel.
In partnership with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Altria Client Services Inc., Chincoteague Volunteer Fire Department, and the Chincoteague Elderhostel, Ducks Unlimited is preparing to begin the Chincoteague Flats Restoration Project. This project will replace three water control structures in the Old Field and North Wash Flat impoundments. These new structures will allow refuge personnel to control water levels in the two impoundments and as a result enhance 1,161 acres of critical wetland habitat. Efficient water level control allows refuge personnel to manage these wetlands to optimally benefit wildlife. In addition, fencing will be placed around the wetlands and invasive wetland plant species will be removed in order to ensure the long term benefits of the project.
This project was preceded by a successful partnership of similar nature at Chincoteague NWR. The South Wash Flats project enhanced over 800 acres of wetland habit at Chincoteague NWR in 2007 with the replacement of two water control structures.
Ducks Unlimited is looking forward to beginning this outstanding wetland enhancement opportunity and would like to thank all of the partners involved in this project!
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