Chickasaw NWR - Waterfowl Impoundments
Purpose: To restore 900 acres of waterfowl habitat on Chickasaw NWR through construction of levees, installation of 5 water control structures, and installation of well and water distribution system. Phase II will create sub-impoundments through construction of 25,000 linear feet of levee and improvement of water distribution system. Management of the entire site presently consists of a combination of moist-soil plants and flooding of agricultural crops. Mallards, American wigeon, gadwalls, green-winged and shovelers will benefit from creation of shallow feeding areas. The area is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to provide quality wintering habitat for waterfowl.
Location: The project is located on Chickasaw NWR in Lauderdale County approximately 10 miles northwest of Halls, TN.
Acres Impacted: 900 acres
Habitat Types: Moist-Soil Wetlands
Flooded Agricultural Crops
Partners: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Timeline: Phase I was completed in March 1999
Phase II was completed in March 2001
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