Carolina Connection Initiative
Waterfowl conservation from the Palmetto State to the prairies
Waterfowl conservation from the Palmetto State to the prairies
For more than 70 years, Ducks Unlimited has focused primarily on delivering wetland and grassland conservation across North America. Although on-the-ground habitat conservation efforts will always be a mainstay of DU's work, we realize we cannot meet the needs of waterfowl, other wildlife and society using direct habitat conservation alone. To meet this challenge, DU has a vision and the strategic means to accomplish it:
Ducks Unlimited's vision
Wetlands sufficient to fill the skies with waterfowl today, tomorrow and forever
In order to achieve this vision, DU must expand its influence in the realm of public policy, expand on-the-ground habitat conservation in key landscapes and increase scientific capacity and capability to support policy and habitat work.
Carolina Connection recognizes the importance of DU's vision in protecting, restoring and enhancing wetland habitat in South Carolina, as well as the important prairie habitats that provide critical breeding areas. South Carolina has lost nearly one-third of its original wetlands, and nationwide we still lose 80,000 acres of wetlands each year. Simultaneously, on the breeding grounds, we continue to lose thousands of acres of native grasslands-key habitat for nesting hens. The scope of the problem is continental in nature. If we work only in South Carolina, we will fail to conserve the most important habitat for waterfowl-the prairies-but more importantly, we will fail to attain our vision.
Carolina Connection is a sponsor initiative to raise $2.5 million by the end of 2010 to support DU's conservation efforts both in South Carolina and on the breeding grounds where our waterfowl originate. All DU sponsors-from bronze to wetlands guardian levels-that commit to Carolina Connection will help us reach our goal.
If you wish to join in our effort to conserve waterfowl and wetland habitats in South Carolina and on the breeding grounds where our ducks are born, please contact:
Brett Baker
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