Bear Island - Springfield Tract - Acquisition
Purpose: To protect (through acquisition) 250 acres of brackish marsh, thus providing additional managed waterfowl habitat on Bear Island WMA. This project provides valuable foraging habitat to migrating and wintering waterfowl in the ACE Basin. Principal species include mallards, mottled ducks, Northern pintail, American wigeon, gadwall, Northern shovelers, green-winged and blue-winged teal. The area is managed by the South Carolina Dept. of Natural Resources.
Location: Bear Island WMA is located in Colleton County, SC. Bear Island WMA is flanked by the Ashepoo River and the South Edisto River. The Springfield Tract lies in the northeastern portion of Bear Island WMA.
Acres Impacted: 250 acres
Habitat Types: Tidal brackish marshes and tidal brackish impoundments.
Partners: SC Department of Natural Resources
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
Timeline: Acquisition was completed in fall 1994.
DU Contact:
Craig LeSchack
Director of Conservation Programs
South Atlantic Field Office
3896 Leeds Ave.
Charleston, SC 29405
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